the judgement image

The Judgement Tarot Card Meaning

The Judgement tarot card means that the times of fresh starts and new beginnings are ahead. Getting this card in a tarot reading is a wake-up call to leave old things behind and move forward. It also hints that you will soon witness a change or make a big decision.

Main Features of The Judgement

Let's start by checking out what sets the card of ‘resurrection’ apart! We will explore its main features, including associated planets or elements.

  • Parts of The Judgement Card: Upright and Reversed
  • Element: Fire
  • Planet: Pluto
  • Zodiac Signs: Libra
  • Yes or No Card: Yes
  • Healing Crystals: Clear Quartz

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The Judgement Card Symbol Meaning

The picture of the Judgement tarot card shows people looking up at the sky, listening to Archangel Gabriel and his horn. Let us break down the meaning of each element in the appearance of the tarot card:

  • Angel: The angel represents a wake-up call from the higher power, telling you to pay attention. The message is loud and clear: You must take action and make big changes.
  • Naked People: The naked rising from the coffins represents vulnerability. However, it also tells that they have left their past life behind and are ready for a new beginning.
  • White Flag: The vertical part of the cross represents our spiritual side. It tells who we are from the inside. The horizontal axis represents the physical world in which we live.
  • Mountains: The mountains symbolise all the challenges or obstacles you have dealt with. The journey was difficult, but you overcame the challenges and moved forward.
  • Blue Background: The blue-coloured background in the picture represents the afterworld and spiritual knowledge and wisdom.
  • Smoke: Smoke represents the transition of physical form (body) into spirit. This transition reminds us that the past is fading and transforming into something new.

The Judgement Tarot Card- Upright & Reversed

The Judgement tarot card meaning may differ in the upright and reversed positions. So, let us see what the card of ‘resurrection’ brings in different positions.

The Judgement Upright Meaning

The Judgement tarot card upright urges you to release all backwards-thinking and negative energies. Its appearance in a tarot reading suggests that your life will soon transform, and the Universe is sending good things your way. Just connect to your inner self and find answers within.

The Judgement Reversed Meaning

The Judgement Tarot Reversed talks about unwise decisions, poor management, blockages, and low confidence. You may still be stuck in the past and unprepared to welcome new changes. Getting this card is a sign to recognise your flaws and work on them for a good tomorrow.

The Judgement AspectsThe Judgement UprightThe Judgement Reversed
CareerFocus on career growthSelf-doubt, laziness at work
LoveProblems in love lifeConfusion, conflicts
HealthIsolation, lonelinessNo mental health care
FinanceEmotional decisionsConstant worry about money
SpiritualitySpiritual rebirthSpiritual blockage

The Judgement Meaning in Love

Upright: The Judgement tarot love reading suggests that you and your partner have been unkind to each other. This unfair judgement is causing problems, especially if you are in a long-distance relationship. So, the tarot card urges you to sit down and have a heart-to-heart conversation with your partner.

Reversed: The Judgement tarot card in love reading tells that you are ruining your relationship by giving space to confusion, conflicts, self-doubt, and unfair judgment. It is important not to make judgements without knowing all the facts. Singles may feel a bit hesitant to open their heart to someone new.

The Judgement Meaning in Career

Upright: The Judgement tarot card career hints that you are being judged in your workplace. It is time to fight for yourself and work hard to achieve your goals. The card reminds you that you are not responsible for other’s behaviour. It would be best to not let that affect your career progress.

Reversed: The Reversed Judgement tarot card career indicates that you are at a point where you can make or break your career. You are unable to make crucial decisions because of your self-doubts. The card also reveals that you have become lazy and do not want to take action. So, it is time to introspect and make changes.

The Judgement Meaning in Health

Upright: The Judgement tarot card Health highlights isolation, loneliness, and sickness. You have experienced worse times; however, now you know how to deal with your health issues. Instead of focusing on the past bitter experiences, try paying attention to the positives. This will help you gain maximum benefits and have good physical and emotional health.

Reversed: The Judgement tarot card health reading reveals that you risk your health through unhappy habits and no mental care. When this tarot card comes up, it asks people to instil balance in their lives and always do things in moderation. One cannot work in extremes, so don’t put your health through extreme situations.

The Judgement Meaning in Finance

Upright: The Judgement tarot card money reading advises you to be smart about your money and not make emotional decisions. When you make financial decisions based on your emotions, things go wrong. So, before investing or lending money, have an analysis of all the facts.

Reversed: The Judgement tarot card reversed money reading hints that you constantly worry about your finances. The message of this tarot card is to ask people to be judicial with their financial decisions. However, the card also hints that you may be spending your money excessively, and it is time to stop being careless.

The Judgement Meaning in Spirituality

Upright: The Judgement tarot card hints that soon you might get spiritual enlightenment. In the past, your karmic lessons made you tough and made you learn several bitter lessons. But now is the time to listen to what the universe tells you. Once you do that, your spiritual renewal or rebirth isn’t far away.

Reversed: The appearance of the reversed Judgement tarot card in spiritual reading hints at blockage and unwillingness. It hints that you have maintained a distance from your karmic lessons. You do not want to listen to what the universe is trying to say. This way, you are blocking your spiritual enlightenment.

The Judgement Yes or No Meaning

The Judgement tarot card of the day revolves around renewal and purpose. Here are the Judgement tarot card yes or no meanings in the upright and reversed positions:

  • Upright: Yes - The Judgement tarot card yes or no upright means a ‘definite yes’. It shows that your actions will soon lead you to big changes in life. So, don’t stop working towards your goals and let go of old issues or negative feelings to make a new start.
  • Reversed: No- Drawing a Judgement tarot yes or no reversed means no. The card hints that you do not want to take responsibility and are still stuck in the past. Your fear or laziness has blocked your success. So, take a step back and review the situation deeply.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Judgement tarot card zodiac sign is Libra. The connection between the Judgement tarot card and the Libra zodiac is that both showcase calmness, stability and balance.
The Judgement tarot card as feelings represent emotional disappointments, shyness and healing. It hints that you are a shy person and find it challenging to express your opinion to others.
The Judgement tarot yes or no is a yes card. Getting this card in a yes or no reading is a sign that soon, the higher power will bless you with positive things. Alongside, your decision-making skills will be put to the test.
In a tarot reading, the appearance of the Judgement tarot card hints at new beginnings. You will finally let go of the bad things in the past and focus on something positive. Moreover, you will feel eager to make big decisions and move forward.
The Judgement tarot card as a person is someone who is both shy and confident. They try hard to gel with others and mark their presence worth remembering.
The planet that rules the Judgement tarot card is Pluto. The energy of this tarot card combined with Pluto says that people should not harbour negative habits, must work hard to achieve success, and should know how to act when.
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